Minnesota's Greatest Generation

Street in Roseville showing new housing development, 1952

The "American Dream" has long been defined as having a home of one's own, and the ability to enjoy the finer things in life. American servicemen returning home after World War II were eager to pursue their own dreams, and got a helping hand from the G.I. Bill, which provided low-interest loans to purchase homes and start businesses.

Many members of Minnesota's Greatest Generation chose to buy or build homes in the rapidly growing suburbs around the Twin Cities. This photograph shows a new housing development in Richfield in 1952. Note the young trees and unpaved street, and the absence of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Residents often had to wait some time for the completion of roadwork near their homes and for city utilities like water and sewer service to become available to them.

Publisher: Minnesota Historical Society
Date: 1952
Identifer: location MR2.9 RS2 p2

Street in Roseville showing new housing development, 1952