From it's humble beginnings in the 1920s, Wold-Chamberlain grew to become one of the world's major airports. Richfield residents have long had a love-hate relationship with the airport, citing loss of homes and noise issues in their opposition to expansion.
These two views of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport show changes from 1964 to 1975.
Photograph credits:
1. Aerial view, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Wold-Chamberlain Field, 1964. Postcard, Minnesota Historical Society Photograph Collection, loc. no. MH5.3W r13
2. Aerial view of Minnepaolis-St. Paul international Airport, 1975. Postcard, Minnesota Historical Society Photograph Collection, loc. no. MH5.3W r14
Publisher: Minnesota Historical Society
Dates: 1964–1975
Identifer: location (See photo credits, below)